Session information and pricing


Dice 4 Diversity has defined program parameters that include assessment and reporting functions. We have also created a number of practical solutions to streamline the technical parts of the rules and focus the sessions on the social aspects of role-play without losing the enjoyment. Participants will be able to engage in common social interactions, have the opportunity to lead these interactions, and work towards practical solutions to achieve successful outcomes. Each type of interaction will be logged and the success of each of these will guide the end-of-session discussions, providing participants a better understanding of how to create success in social situations.

Sessions will use the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game with an emphasis on the social interaction part of the game. Less fighting, more social interactions where innovative solutions to problems and arguments will be rewarded with a better chance of success. Each session will be 2 hours 45 minutes long, with a 15-minute end-of-session discussion on how the participants interacted, focusing on how well they did in particular areas and what can be improved. There will be a mandatory 5-minute leg stretch/toilet break halfway through the session to refresh the mind and reset participants for more enjoyment. 

Primary school programs have been adjusted to contain age-appropriate content and a focus on adventures that have positive quests that assist communities from across the Dungeons and Dragons world.

The games played in the session will be paper-based (unless tablet required for communication) to limit screen time. Excess screen time is a concern for many parents and this has been taken into account. Simple calculators can be supplied for adding up dice rolls if required.

Sessions that have a parent or sibling participating as a character in the party are possible. These would be a good opportunity to engage with a child or sibling in an environment where role-playing will provide a variety of practical interactions to what occur in the real world. This kind of engagement can provide highly beneficial insights into each others’ thought and decision-making processes.

Dungeons and Dragons is the first role play game (RPG) system to be rolled out, but will be followed by other genres, depending on accessibility of rule sets.

Saturday sessions are still available (both morning and afternoon) and weeknight sessions can be organised if required. Weeknight sessions are available all weeknights, but not weekends.

If you would like to get in on this unique opportunity, contact Dice 4 Diversity via messenger on facebook or email [email protected]


We have a two types of programs to offer. Our adult/high school program is aimed at adults and teenagers and each session lasts 3 hours. Our Primary School Program sessions run for 2 hours. The price includes a role-playing adventure for the number of hours of a type of session. It also covers pre-session set up, post session breakdown, compilation of notes taken during the session, an assistant, venue hire, equipment, and consumables.

Adult/High School Program

Weekday sessions are conducted at $150 per person, per session, for a 3 hour session.

Saturday sessions are conducted at $195 per person, per session, for a 3 hour session.

Programs will be offered on a 5 or 10 session contract, structured around a half or full school term. A 5 session program will cost participants $750 (weekday) or $975 (Saturday). A 10 session program will cost participants $1500 (weekday) or $1950 (Saturday).

Primary School Program

Weekday sessions are conducted at $100 per person, per session, for a 2 hour session.

Saturday sessions are conducted at $130 per person, per session, for a 2 hour session.

Programs will be offered on a 5 or 10 session contract, structured around a half or full school term. A 5 session program will cost participants $500 (weekday) or $650 (Saturday). A 10 session program will cost participants $1000 (weekday) or $1300 (Saturday).

For those participants who are plan-managed or self-managed, you can access the following items from the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue 2020/21.

Capacity Building – Increased Social and Community Participation – Development of Daily Living and Life Skills – 09_009_0117_6_3 – Skills Development and Training – $61.76 per hour (NDIS price)

Capacity Building – Increased Social and Community Participation – Development of Daily Living and Life Skills – 09_009_0117_6_3 – Skills Development and Training – $84.92 per hour (NDIS price 37.5% above weekday rate)